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Qredo products

Product overview

Qredo has created a suite of applications that provide a simple and user-friendly experience for secure self-custody access, catering to a diverse range of users, including corporates, Web3 projects, investment firms, and individual investors. Additionally, Qredo offers a developer platform for those seeking to automate or construct wallet and asset services that are protected by decentralized MPC.

End-user applications:

The primary entry point to Qredo’s ecosystem.

  • Qredo Wallet - Web application that acts as your main Qredo interface used for secure asset custody and governance and transacting within the Qredo ecosystem and outside of it.

  • Qredo Signing App - your mobile signing tool ensuring swift action approval for various Qredo actions such as transactions and Workspace management.

  • Qredo Block Explorer - used to explore the details of individual blocks, transactions, and addresses on Qredochain.

Custody platform core use cases:

  • Digital asset custody for banks, large corporates, or individual investors

  • Treasury management for finance teams

  • DeFi trading for MMI and WalletConnect users

  • Web3 gaming

  • Alternative to hardware solutions for crypto hodlers

Developer platform use cases:

  • Asset custody services for Banks and Financial Services Firms

  • Self-Custody Wallet Infrastructure for Prime Brokers, Exchanges, Wallet Providers, and dApps

  • Clearing and Settlement rails for Market Makers and OTC brokers

  • Digital asset marketplaces for Web2 Brands

Automation Toolkits:

Advanced API and automation features.

  • Qredo API - allows you to apply granular control over who may programmatically create and approve Web3 transactions and access reporting data.

  • Qredo Signing Agent - a programmatic service that allows you to automate the approval or rejection of transactions.

Key use cases:

  • Asset custody services for Banks and Financial Services Firms

  • Self-Custody Wallet Infrastructure for Prime Brokers, Exchanges, Wallet Providers and dApps

  • Clearing and Settlement rails for Market Makers and OTC brokers

  • Digital asset marketplaces for Web2 Brands

Product Concepts

ConceptOverviewKey functions
ProfileYour unique identify on the Qredo Network providing security to login, authorise and approve transactions, in addition to securing changes to governance rulesCreate Qredo identity, recover Qredo Identity
WorkspaceA Workspace can represent an organization, a line of business, or simply a group of Portfolios.Create a dedicated environment for your assets and Workspace members. Provides granular access control over your Portfolios, Vaults, and Web3 Wallets.
PortfolioPortfolios are used to segregate assets, define default Policies, and manage permissions.Segregate assets, apply Policies, create and manage Vaults and Web3 Wallets
VaultsThe Vault is the standard asset storage option on Qredo. Vaults can complete transactions within and outside of Qredo.Transact within the Qredo ecosystem, transact outside of the Qredo ecosystem
Web3 WalletsWeb3 Wallets rely on Qredo only for custody. All transactions are governed by the external wallet connected to Qredo.Provide secure custody for our integrations such as MetaMask Institutional and WalletConnect
Roles and PermissionsEach member of a Qredo Workspace can be assigned one or more of the 5 available roles, which grant them various interaction options.Assign Roles to your Members, get the permission benefit of various Role combinations
PoliciesPolicies are cryptographic conditions that need to be met for operations to proceed.Create a set of approval and threshold rules for various transactions and actions within Qredo.
WhitelistingAn address book of trusted external addresses.Add trusted addresses to provide an extra layer of security
Qredo StationAll fees incurred by transactions made within a Workspace are paid from its respective Qredo Station in QRDO, USDT, or USDC.Top up your Workspace to quickly and seamlessly pay for transaction fees.

Key features

dMPCIndustry-leading distributed MPC network
Qredo NetworkRely on an institutional-grade network for digital asset clearing and settlement
2-Factor AuthenticationSign and approve transactions and changes to governance through the convenience of a mobile app.
Asset management
Asset and chain support Securely manage up to 5 networks and 42 tokens using Vaults. Support for EVM and Non-EVM Chains.
Vaults Direct custody over assets with portability and fine grain policies
Web3 WalletsIndustry-leading enterprise access to DeFi - Support for MetaMask Institutional - Support for WalletConnect
HierarchyMulti-layered Portfolios help you organise and segregate your assets in addition to controlling permissions.
Role-based access control (RBAC) Enterprise class role based security. Configure granular permissions to control wallet functions, manage assets and govern platform rules.
TreasuryOperational controls for wallet and address management
Notifications Rich notifications for governance and transaction activity
Qredo StationPay for network transactions with the convenience of single currency QRDO or USDT.
PoliciesPolicy rules that can be centrally managed and inherited across Portfolios, Wallets and Vaults: - Admin Policy: Set up your hierarchy of recovery using Admin Policy - Transaction Policy: Flexible and extensible Policies to govern your Vaults and Web3 Wallets
WhitelistingRestrict transfers to trusted addresses
Transaction historyImmutable record of transactions on the network for processing and auditing purposes
ReportingExportable transaction and user logs
Qredo Block ExplorerAbility to view blockchain record for transactions and verify layer 1 assets.
Disaster recoveryAbility to recover assets on loss of signing app or network failure. Recovery mechanisms for lost approvers' keys via Admin Policies and built-in policy redundancy
API & signing automation
Qredo APIProgrammatic access to the platform, wallet management and signing services.
Programmatic Web3 tradingAutomated complex trading strategies
Signing AgentAutomate approval client
Coming soon
Anti-money laundering and financial crime checksKYT/AML integration for inbound screening
Travel ruleCompliance solution for VASPs
Walled gardensSegregated assets management
Exchange rebalancingExchange integration with top exchanges for asset rebalancing
Fiat <> Crypto ConversionFiat onramps directly in custody