Product FAQ
How to register on the earlier version of Qredo and invite new Members to join?
If you need to invite new Members before your Organization is upgraded to New Qredo, please instruct them to register on the earlier version of Qredo by following the steps outlined below.
Otherwise, new members will only be able to join an Organization via New Qredo once that Organization has been upgraded to the new platform.
Signing Up
Once in the old registration flow, follow the on-screen instructions.
The Signing App
Search for “Qredo” in your device’s app store and download the app.
Tap the Connect your mobile device button within the mobile/tablet app. If this isn’t the first Qredo account that you’ve associated with the mobile/tablet device, select Switch the Profile and select Add profile.
Select Allow Access in the Allow Access To Camera screen. Scan the QR code on your Qredo Network registration screen.
In the Qredo mobile/tablet app, follow the instructions on your mobile device. After successfully creating and verifying your Master Seed, select Continue in the app and go back to your browser.