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Qredo concepts

How Qredo works

Qredo uses advanced cryptography and a decentralized implementation of multi-party computation to secure digital assets. Digital asset transactions are signed using a cryptographic signature scheme that runs across independent MPC nodes, the QredoMPC, thus not requiring the creation of a private key.

Unlike other MPC solutions that store critical ownership data in threat-vulnerable cloud databases and hardware enclaves, QredoMPC is driven by an immutable blockchain, the QredoChain, that records all transaction and governance activities executed on the Network.

Qredo supports fast-finality crosschain swaps utilizing the QredoWatcher, a chain integration service for creating MPC-secured wallets and tracking asset balances on supported networks.

To take a deeper dive into how Qredo works, check out our technical papers:

  • The Litepaper provides a synopsis of Qredo for a general crypto audience.

  • The Whitepaper gives a detailed view of Qredo for an advanced audience.

  • The Token paper covers Qredo's crypto-economic model and tokenomics.

  • The Yellow paper dives deep into the code and cryptography underpinning Qredo.