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RPC networks

By default, Qredo already supports a number of RPC networks (see table below). You also have the option of adding custom RPC networks, much like the user is able to in their original MetaMask wallet.

This feature works both with MetaMask Institutional and WalletConnect.

Qredo only supports one custom RPC network per Chain ID. Therefore, you can't add multiple custom RPC endpoints in Qredo for the same Chain ID.

Supported RPC networks

NameCurrencyChain ID
Ethereum MainnetETH1
Görli TestnetGOR5
Polygon MainnetMATIC137
Arbitrum OneAETH42161

Adding custom RPC networks

Important: Only Workspace Admins can add and remove custom RPC networks.

We strongly recommend adding RPC networks to your Qredo Workspace first, and then on MetaMask Institutional or Walletconnect (as outlined in the following steps). Otherwise, you may encounter errors.

If you experience any issues, lock and unlock your extension and try again.

  1. Log in to Qredo

  2. Select your Profile icon (upper-left corner of the screen).

  3. Find the Workspace you wish to edit and open the three-dot Actions menu next to it.

  4. Click Workspace settings.

  5. Under Networks, open the three-dot Actions menu next to Custom Networks.

  6. Select Add network, fill out the form, and click Add network.

To view and edit custom RPC networks within a Workspace, go to the three-dot Actions menu next to Custom networks, and select View. From here, you can edit and remove your custom networks.